Welcome Blogging Buddies!

This school year has been a year revitalization for me in my teaching journey. After riding for a year on the “10 year struggle bus,” I was offered the opportunity to give up teaching Spanish part time to fully embrace the EdTech world. In addition to teaching my 6th grade class, I would also be supporting the faculty as we began the first phase of our 1:1 “Digital Conversion.” Let me just say:

I. Love. This. Gig.blogging buddies

One of the best outcomes of this change for me has been the full immersion into the social media worlds where I can build a PLN that inspires me and helps me to reflect and improve every day. As a teacher of a “nontraditional” class, I often felt like an island at department meeting time. Also when you constantly are the “go-to” person for workshops and breakout sessions, you need an outlet to learn and grow from too!

(This is also the part where I give a big shout out to my in-district homies! Using Twitter and Instagram, we have built a teacher tribe right on our own campus! If you don’t think you can learn from teachers of other disciplines or age levels, you’re missing out on a whole world of amazing in-house PD! I get just as many ideas from a high school trigonometry teacher as I do a 4th grade classroom or an 8th grade Spanish teacher!)

Our K-5 TOSA/Fellow Teaching Super Geek Lori (Outside of My Classroom) shared the ISTE Blogging Buddies PLN with me and I’m so excited to join and continue to build my tribe! Soon I will be given a pack of blogs to follow of fellow EdTech Coaches, and from there I hope to see my own PLN explode and get to meet even more awesome educators!

The Blogging Buddies PLN is inspired by this post from The Compelled Educator, which couldn’t be more relevant to me at this point in my career.

So if you’re just arriving via the Blogging Buddies, welcome and I’m so excited to have you here!

Thanks for coming to the party!


5 thoughts on “Welcome Blogging Buddies!

  1. Hi Liz, so excited you are joining us on the Blogging Buddies journey! You are so right about the ideas and informal learning that can take place and transform our practice via our PLNs. Looking forward to learning and growing with you!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am adding you to my list of people that I want to follow on this blogging journey. We teach in the same field and I already can relate to you what you have said about being and island within the sea of other teachers in our building. Middle school has so many challenges but I am loving that I have the freedom to try new things. My class certainly jumps in with both feet sometimes and we fail miserably at some things but have many ‘ah ha’ times as well. Hope you will check out my blog as well sometimes http://121it.blogspot.com/2017/05/nemesis-of-classroom.html


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